Brand New World

Petter D
Oct 21, 2020


The youth is united for a reason
And we are partying all night long.
We don’t mind if you’re kissing
Someone the same gender as yours.

We don’t think love’s wrong.
Some people might care,
But we don’t care.

This colorful party doesn’t
have the time for your hate.
We’ll kiss the men, we’ll kiss the girls.
We’ll kiss them anyway.

I guess that now you know
You’re the wrong one.
You just got caught!

I love myself, and I won’t hide it!
I wish you would do the same.
What’s wrong in being LGTQ+
If inside we’re all just the same?

I’m gonna pass through Heave’ns Door
Because my love is something
They will never break.

And if we meet out on the street
Don’t think that I’ll be scared.
You just have to face it now
That the rainbow is everywhere.

Come closer if you dare.
This is your chance.
Show some respect.

We are the Rainbows from the Light.
You cannot rain into our pride.
This is my position, just so you know.
This is the Brand New World.



Petter D

“…And then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that’s not enough, what is enough?” — Vincent van Gogh